
Monday, November 30, 2020

Mayor's Annual Food Drive/LBS community involvement


Mayor's Annual Christmas Food Drive

Lake Bonavista School is pleased to be support The Calgary Food Bank by participating in the Mayor's Annual Christmas Food Drive. 

Students are invited to bring in non-perishable food items starting on Wednesday, December 2nd until Friday, December 11th. Donations boxes will be placed near each entry door for students to add their donations.
Please see the picture below attachment for the Calgary Food Bank’s 'wishlist', however all food donations are all welcomed and appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your generous support!

Important Dates for Room 17

We know there are many changes we need to attend to due to the new health measures and restrictions for Albertans including many that impact our school and our families. Please know, as a school, we are working hard to keep everyone safe. Thank you for all that you do so that your children are ready to come to school and follow the protocols each day. 

Please give a reminder at home to remind your student that they need to consistently wear a mask at school and to practice  social distancing. Your support is appreciated!

December Events  

December 3 & 4 HUB Families – Virtual Learning Conferences See details on the news story on the front page of our website: here 

November 30 – December 17

In person learning continues for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students. HUB Learning continues. 

December 3

PJ Day! Be cozy in your PJs. Please remember that stuffies and other toys need to stay at home.  

December 3 – 11

Mayor’s Annual Food Bank Drive: See details in the LBS News Story 

HUB Virtual Learning Conferences 

December 4 

NO School, Non-Instructional Day, & HUB Virtual Learning Conferences 

December 17 

Holiday Sweater Day, Last Day of School before Winter Break  

December 18 

NO School, Non-Instructional Day  

December 19, 2020 to January 3, 2021 

Winter Break 

Google Classrooms  

Teachers will be supporting students with building familiarity and understanding of Google Classrooms over the next 3 weeks while we are in school together. It’s expected that children have logged into their Google Classrooms from home. During this time, if a child is home sick, but well enough to engage in learning, or in isolation, they will be able to access their Google Classroom. Google Classrooms will be the platform for At Home Learning for Jan 4 - 8th 2021. Students will be expected to log in to the Google classroom stream each morning, to obtain information about assigned work and time/passcode for Google meets. Ms. Mumford will be online for regular school hours, posting daily work across the curriculum, holding whole group, small group and individual learning and supports. We had had several lessons and discussions in class to ensure your student understands the expectation for our first week back in the new year.

If you need any information or support in regards to Google Classroom, please reach out to let me know.

School for the Week of Jan. 4-8, 2021

CBE & AHS will be our sources for information and updates. Please see the news banner on our school website and check back regularly for updates and announcements.  

We will provide more details over the next few weeks. 

Families can access Low cost internet (Telus for Good).

 **Thank you very much to School Council and all our volunteers for organizing the Freezer Feastival over the last few weeks, as well as loading orders during our ‘drive thru’ today. It takes many hands to take care of all the steps of a fundraiser. By purchasing the amazing Freezer Feastival products, you are supporting enhancements for your children’s learning. Thank you! 

Ms Mumford 😀

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Parent Council Message:

 From School Council:

Hello parents of Lake Bonavista School!  


We need your help. Our Freezer Feastival fundraiser has been a success and now we need to get all the purchases into the vehicles! This Friday, November 27, we are in need of 6 more volunteers for curbside pick-up of orders. This will be done safely outside adhering to COVID-19 protocols. The weather is looking lovely for Friday, please come prepared with a mask and appropriate outerwear. 


The time slots available are 3 people from 12:00 - 3:15 pm for deliveries, and 3 people from 3:15 - 4:15 for cleanup.


These proceeds from our fundraising events benefit our children. If you are able to take the time this Friday, please contact me directly at or if you have received a sign up genius from this address, please sign up there.


If you are unable to help this time and would like to be on the volunteer list, please send me a note and I will add your information. This list is used when volunteer opportunities are available.


Thank you very much!


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Student Work Samples

Hello families! I hope you are all well!

Some samples of your student's work are being sent in an email this week - included as an attachment. Student work in this email is designed to give a small snapshot of current learning and progress. Student work can be discussed during parent conferences, if you have any questions or concerns. I am also happy to accommodate phone calls if you have a time or date request other than October 19 and 20th.

Ms. Mumford

Friday, November 6, 2020

Remembrance Day

 Dear Parents,

Rooms 16 and 17 are hosting a virtual assembly for LBS students on November 10th at 10:40 am, in honour of Remembrance Day.
Did you know that every year from the last day of October until November 11th, tens of millions of Canadians wear a poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada's veterans and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms that we enjoy today.
Students will be given a poppy on November 10th and can give a donation at the school office. If you would like to support out local veterans, the Legion is encouraging people to donate online this year. Please follow the link: to donate to the Legion's Poppy Fund.

 Thank you from Ms. Mumford & Ms. Burnham's students.


Please remember that there is no school on Wednesday November 11th.

Monday, November 2, 2020

2020 Book Fair

 Save The Date 

Our school’s Book Fair is going online, so save the date! 

From Monday, November 16th – Sunday, November 22nd discover the newest books hot o the press, from the comfort of your home. 

Bonus: Every purchase supports our school and keeps kids reading! Thank you!